Trans and Gender Diverse Peer Support Project

Supporting growth and sustainability of trans and gender diverse peer support across Victoria. Supported by the Victorian Government.

National Day to Raise Awareness of LGBTIQA+ Domestic Violence

As a member of WithRespect the first specialised LGBTIQ family violence service funded by the Victorian state government, we’re very proud of work undertaken over the past 3 years to support LGBTIQA+ people of all ages impacted by family violence and intimate partner violence.

May 28 is the inaugural National Day to Raise Awareness of LGBTIQA+ Domestic Violence which aims to raise awareness of family violence, to acknowledge and stand in solidarity with those who have experienced family violence and intimate partner violence.

Like our cisgender and heterosexual peers, LGBTIQA+ people have equal and for some, even higher rates of experiencing physical, emotional and sexual violence in family and intimate partner relationships. We also know that our trans, gender diverse and non-binary, bi and multi-gender attracted and or LGBTIQA+ people of colour (QTIPOC) and those with a disability experience disproportionate impacts of family and intimate violence and face many barriers to seeking support.  

We deserve safe, nurturing families and intimate relationships.

WithRespect is here to support LGBTIQA+ people impacted by family and intimate partner violence including children and young people. We also provide support and programs for LGBTIQA+ people who have harmed their loved ones.

If you need support or just someone to talk to – please call 1800LGBTIQ.

For more information visit for more information




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