Supporting growth and sustainability of trans and gender diverse peer support across Victoria. Supported by the Victorian Government.
Transgender Victoria statement on the 2021 Census
*please see additional edit below, Sun 1 Aug
TGV advises trans and gender diverse community members that there is a mechanism to record your gender diversity in the census data, and to consider doing so to ensure we are counted - by:
1) completing the 2021 Census online;
2) in question 7, on sex and gender, if the "Female" or "Male" options presented do not suit you, you can select the “Something other than male or female” hyperlink;
3) select the "Non-binary sex" option which appears after clicking that hyperlink;
4) typing your self-identified term in the type-in field which appears.
TGV acknowledges that data from the census is used to inform service provision and policy for all communities, including in education, health care and housing.
We know that the questions regarding sex and gender may not accurately represent or capture everyone’s experience of sex and gender. TGV advises trans and gender diverse community members to use their own best judgement in how to answer this question, being mindful that the data will inform future service provision and policy.
In allyship with intersex individuals and communities, TGV also particularly acknowledges census questions which conflate intersex populations with non-binary populations can actually misrepresent legal and social statuses. Any incorrect assumptions that 'non-binary sex’ should refer to intersex people are not only inappropriate,they are harmful to women and men with intersex variations:
The Census is compulsory and you may be fined for not completing the census, and submitting information that you know is false or misleading is an offence under the Census and Statistics Act 1905.
TGV does acknowledge some trans and gender diverse community members have very real and valid concerns about disclosing details of sex and gender, particularly under categories defined by others.
We note ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics)maintains privacy and security standards which you can review here:,+Confidentiality+&+Security
In the 2021 census, on the paper form you will be asked to answer:
“Is the person: Male, Female, Non-binary sex"
On the digital form, you will be asked to answer:
“Is the person: Male, Female”
If these options do not suit, you can click “Something other than male or female” which appears in a separate section.
This hyperlink adds the option “Non-binary sex.” Depending on which box or boxes you select, an open field provides “Please specify (optional)” where you can type in terms that you self-identify with.
The ABS states that "A person's sex is based on their sex characteristics, such as their chromosomes,hormones and reproductive organs". We acknowledge this definition may not be suitable for trans and gender-diverse community members. More information on this question here:
And here:
Please note that the ABS Standard for Sex, Gender, Variations of Sex Characteristics and Sexual Orientation Variables(2020) are not yet being applied in the 2021 Census, but may be used in future data collection:
We reiterate that TGV advises trans and gender diverse community members to use their own best judgement in how to answer this question, being mindful that the data will inform future service provision and policy.
Apology and clarity on the TGV Statement on the 2021 Census
I am writing to you today in my role as the newly appointed CEO of Transgender Victoria. There is a great deal to discuss, so I apologise for this long message and ask you to please read through and consider in its entirety (as well as reading through the original statement in its entirety).
We thank community members for raising their concerns surrounding our statement on the 2021 Census, and we appreciate that our statement is long and unwieldy - there was a large amount of information to cover - and that more care should have been taken to clarify that transgender community members who feel comfortable selecting one of the binary options of Female or Male are welcome and encouraged to do so.
We deeply and genuinely wish to apologise that we were not clearer in our statement that we affirm and support those who feel comfortable with those options in their choice to select Female or Male, especially acknowledging that our mistake in not providing that clear support may have been triggering and distressing to our communities (especially in the current climate of anti-trans and trans exclusionary rhetoric).
Reading through our statement, the first section advises people to use the first recommended steps to "record your gender diversity" - bur reading on, our more detailed advice reads:
"In the 2021 census, on the paper form you will be asked to answer:
“Is the person: Male, Female, Non-binary sex"
On the digital form, you will be asked to answer:
“Is the person: Male, Female”
If these options do not suit, you can click “Something other than male or female” which appears in a separate section.”
Our statement does in fact have provision for those who identify within the binary options of Male and Female. We only advise to select the other options if Male or Female “do not suit” you.
For example, trans women, who are Female, for whom the label Female is affirming, can of course select Female and not choose to select any other options. It is only if you wish to specify that you are transgender or gender diverse that you would take the further steps or options to access the type-in box and type a self-identified term.
But - we acknowledge community feedback on social media that we should have been clearer in affirming our support for transgender community members who wish to select one of the two binary options, and we apologise that we did not make this clear and explicitly state our support. We understand this is triggering to those who have experienced prejudice from T*RFs, and want to reassure that we - as an organisation by and for trans people - are not trans exclusionary. We apologise that our statement left any doubt about this.
Our statement also “advises trans and gender diverse community members to use their own best judgement in how to answer this question, being mindful that the data will inform future service provision and policy,” so please do use your own best judgement and select the terms that suit you best - or, if the provided terms do not suit you, follow our steps to access the type-in field to type your own term.
Our statement also acknowledges that the ABS definitions of sex are problematic: “We acknowledge this definition may not be suitable for trans and gender-diverse community members.” We acknowledge the current ABS definitions, and the 2021 Census, are not inclusive or accurate in providing options for trans and gender diverse respondents. While the statement in question is our advice for the 2021 Census, Transgender Victoria have joined the advocacy towards creating change in the 2026 Census, including the following from:
Just Equal:
Equality Australia:
Yours in solidarity,
- Mama Alto, CEO Transgender Victoria
(For TGV related communications, please email me at [email protected] - I welcome any feedback which we will use to strengthen our advocacy to include all trans and gender diverse opinions and voices).